Profile fields reference table
The following table outlines the default profile fields available in a digital workplace.
If you want to modify your available profile fields, you should contact your Customer Success Manager or email the Customer Success Team to explore Premium Profiles.
Considerations and caveats
Bulk upload
When performing a bulk upload, any text that contains commas should be wrapped in quotation marks. This prevents the comma in the text from interfering with the bulk upload file's comma separation between profile fields.
For example, when entering information into the Associations field:
"APA, CPA, University of Waterloo"
Custom or Premium profile fields
If your workplace has custom or premium profile fields, the names of your profile fields may differ from the default field names in the table below. To find the names of custom or premium profile fields that are available in your digital workplace, navigate to the Bulk Upload page of your digital workplace.
- Click the Control Panel cog (
) on the Userbar.
- Under Membership, select Manage Members.
- Click Bulk Member Upload.
The comma-separated list that appears in the CSV Data text box contains all of the profile fields in your digital workplace.
Privacy settings
The default privacy settings of the profile fields outlined below may differ from those in your digital workplace if you use premium profile fields.
In addition to the fields below, the following profile elements have privacy settings:
- Picture: Defaults to Everybody
- Contacts: Defaults to Nobody
Users can change their privacy settings at any time. For instructions, see Changing your privacy settings.
Default profile fields
Field/Column | Label Name | Description | Default Privacy Setting |
address | Street Address/Work Address | Enter information about a member's work address. Example: 55 King St. W | Members |
address2 | Street Address 2/Work Address 2 | Enter additional information about a member's work address. Example: Suite 201 | Members |
associations | Associations | Enter a comma-separated list of the associations that a member is affiliated with. Example: APA, CPA, University of Waterloo | Members |
bio | About | Enter information about a member's background. There is a limit of 2000 characters. Example: Playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist... | Members |
birthdate | Birthday/Birthdate | Enter a member's birthday using the format YYYY-MM-DD. By default, most profile pages do not show the year. Example: 1985-12-25 | Members |
Birthday | n/a | This field is deprecated and does not appear on the profile page. Use the field birthdate for information about a member's birthday. | n/a |
blog | My Blog | Enter an absolute URL path for a member's blog. Example: | Members |
busphone | Work Phone | Enter the member's work phone number. No specific format is required. Example: 555-555-5555 | Members |
buswebsite | Employer Website | Enter an absolute URL path for a member's organization. Entering a URL in this field causes the name in the company field to act as a link to the organization's web site. If the company field does not have a value, this field does nothing. Example: | Members |
cellphone | Mobile | Enter a member's work cell phone number. No specific format is required. Example: 555-555-5555 | Members |
city | City | Enter the city where a member is located. Example: Toronto | Members |
company | Employer | Enter the name of a member's organization. If the buswebsite field has a URL, this name will act as a link to that web site. Example: Igloo Software | Members |
country | Country | Enter the country where a member is located. Example: Canada | Members |
customIdentifier | n/a | Only available if your digital workplace is configured to use SAML SSO. Replaces the password field. When using SAML, you must include this field as a column in any bulk upload. However, you do not need to populate these cells with values. | n/a |
department | Department | Enter the department that a member is a part of. Example: Accounting | Members |
n/a | Enter a member's email. This address is used by Igloo to identify a member within your digital workplace. Users can have either a memberID or an email, not both. While the bulk upload can set this field when adding new members, it cannot change this value for existing members. Members can change their own email from their profile page, and administrators can change member emails from the Manage Members page. This field or memberID is mandatory when performing a bulk upload. | Nobody | |
extension | Extension | Enter a member's work phone extension. No specific format is required. Example: 5555 | Members |
fax | Fax | Enter a member's fax machine number. No specific format is required. Example: 555-555-5555 | Members |
firstname | First Name | Enter the first name of a member. All digital workplace members must have a first name. This field is mandatory when performing a bulk upload. Example: "John" | n/a |
gender | n/a | This field is deprecated and does not appear on the profile page. | n/a |
hobbies | Hobbies | Enter a comma-separated list of a member's hobbies. Example: miniature painting, taxidermy, numismatics | Members |
i_report_to | Reports to | Enter the name of a member's manager. If the i_report_to_email contains an email, this name will act as a link to the manager's profile page. Example: Seth Burton | n/a |
i_report_to_email | Report to Email | Enter the email associated with a manager's account within your digital workplace. Entering an email in this field causes the name in the i_report_to field to act as a link to the manager's profile page. Example: | n/a |
im_aol | n/a | This field is deprecated and does not appear on the profile page. | n/a |
im_googletalk | Hangouts | Enter the email of a member's Google account. Example: | Members |
im_msn | MSN | This field is deprecated and does not appear on the profile page. | n/a |
im_msteams | Teams | Enter the email of a member's 0365 account. Example: | Members |
im_skype | Skype | Enter the email of a member's Skype account. Example: | Members |
im_skypeforbusiness | Skype for Business | Enter the email of a member's Skype for Business account. Example: | Members |
interests | Interests | Enter a comma-separated list of a member's interests. Example: bears, beets, battlestar galactica | Members |
isSAML | n/a | Do not enter any values into this field. | n/a |
lastname | Last Name | Enter the last name of a member. All digital workplace members must have a last name. This field is mandatory when performing a bulk upload. Example: Doe | n/a |
managedByLdap | n/a | Do not enter any values into this field. | n/a |
memberID | n/a | Enter a memberID. This value is used by Igloo to identify a flex user within your digital workplace. Users can have either a memberID or an email, not both. While the bulk upload can set this field when adding new members, it cannot change this value for existing members. Administrators and members cannot change this value. This field or email is mandatory when performing a bulk upload. It can be a maximum of 63 characters. For more information, see Flex access. | n/a |
occupation | Occupation | Enter a member's occupation. Example: Blacksmith | Members |
password | n/a | Enter a member's Igloo Authentication password. Replaced by customIdentifier if your digital workplace uses SAML SSO. If your workplace only uses Igloo Authentication, you must include this field as a column in any bulk upload. In a bulk upload, new members must have a value in this cell while existing members can have this cell left empty. The bulk upload cannot change existing passwords. To reset a member's password see: | n/a |
s_facebook | Enter the URL of a member's Facebook page. Example: | Members | |
s_google | Google+ | Enter the URL of a member's Google+ page. | Member |
s_linkedin | Enter the URL of a member's Linkedin page. Example: | Members | |
s_twitter | Enter the URL of a member's Twitter page. Example: | Members | |
sector | Sector | Enter an index number corresponding to a descriptive sector name. See Sector profile field reference table for which integer values correspond to which sectors. | Members |
skills | Expertise | Enter a comma-separated list of a member's interests. Example: problem-solving, communication, multilingual | Members |
state | Province/State/Region | Enter the region a member resides in. Example: Ontario | Members |
status | n/a | This field is deprecated and does not appear on the profile page. | n/a |
website | My Website | Enter an absolute URL path for a member's website. Example: | Members |
work_start_date | n/a | Enter the date a member joined your organization (YYYY-MM-DD). This profile field is not visible on the profile page and can be populated using the ILST (Igloo LDAP Sync Tool) or Bulk Upload. Example: 2018-06-01 | n/a |
zipcode | Postal/Zip Code | Enter a member's Postal/Zip Code. No specific format is required. Example: N2G 4W1 | Members |