
Developer News

Photo of David BistolasOffline
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Announcing Photowall

By David Bistolas – 2 Comments

A first look at the upcoming Photowall Integration

Photo of David BistolasOffline

Easily integrate your existing web apps

By David Bistolas

Have some useful web-apps you've built in your organization? Increase their visibility by integrating them into Igloo with an easy to build and use iFrame integration widget!

Photo of David BistolasOffline

Speak up and be heard!

By David Bistolas

We're looking for your suggestions for what you, as developers, would like to see in the next version of our Integration Widget development kit.

Photo of David BistolasOffline

...or, curling up with a cup of tea and a good API reference

Photo of David BistolasOffline

The Igloo Marketplace is your one stop shop for extending your digital workplace with the many services, features and integrations we offer. Here are some frequently asked questions, answered:

Photo of David BistolasOffline

How we approach a problem

By David Bistolas

The three mantras of Developer Relations at Igloo

Photo of Deep RaithathaOffline

Photo of Deep RaithathaOffline

User Membership and Group Management via APIs

Photo of Harun SheikhaliOffline

New APIv2 endpoints are here!

By Harun Sheikhali – 2 Comments

Summary APIs are here! Retrieve content without impacting view analytics

Photo of David BistolasOffline

Category Classes and Category Labels

By David Bistolas

We'll take a quick look at how to programmatically create category classes and category labels in Igloo.

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