July 4, 2018
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Given that Tips & Tricks day has fallen on the holiday, it seems like time for a theme post. Your digital workplace has an array of features designed to empower members and to help them work in the way that suits them best. This can involve giving them access to customize or create in new areas, elevating their permissions, and enabling additional features.
Now, one of the concerns Administrators have with expanded permissions is expanded risk, but in all cases, these areas are fully audited through the Activity trail, or segregated from the rest of your digital workplace, so they can't affect your other members. The goal, as ever, is to improve people's ability to work autonomously, to create and collaborate in your digital workplace, without increasing the risk.
Space Administration is the easiest way to take pressure off your site Administrators. For project areas, Solutions, departments and location areas, appoint Space Administrators who can manage and make changes there. They'll be able to address the needs of an individual Space without needing to be site Administrators, and without needing to ask them for things.
Set up additional Spaces for interdisciplinary projects, like communities of practice or working groups, and make every member there a Space Administrator. Give people the room to innovate in their area of expertise, and they'll impress you!
For non-Space specific actions, there are Roles, which can be adjusted from the Manage Groups area. Roles let you extend specific administrative powers, like member management or Broadcasting, to non-Administrator Groups. This can let you empower your team leads to send quick notifications to their whole team, or your designers to directly manage your Igloo's theme. Give your department heads access to the workplace analytics and data feeds so they can directly track engagement in their areas, and add additional code to Pages, Channels, and articles.
A Group can have as many or as few Roles as you need it to, giving you the option of creating Groups for leaders and innovators that have more Roles, or adding Roles to existing Groups in your digital workplace. You can even give people the power to create their own Spaces, letting them create and manage entire new areas of your Igloo.
We've talked about Dashboards before, but it's worth drawing attention to them again. Dashboards can be enabled in the Global Settings area of your site, and they're among the most powerful tools for personalized workflows that Igloo offers. Members can create their own Dashboards, each unique to them, with full access to the widget library to customize them. This lets them customize a Page for one specific activity, for a general activity overview in an area they administrate, or test configurations for other people.
The sky really is the limit with Dashboards. Members will have access to use any integrations in your digital workplace, letting them construct focused areas built for them. This does more than make everyday workflows more efficient, it helps your members understand the building blocks of Igloo, and helps build the platform confidence and expertise to take on other roles in your digital workplace.
This Independence Day, take a moment to remember that you work with brilliant, dedicated, and creative people. With a little leeway, they will innovate and surprise you.