
Tips & Tricks

Archives for January 2018 « Recent Articles

Photo of Jim TigwellOffline
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A roundup of some of the questions Igloo Support has received in the past month.

Photo of Jim TigwellOffline
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Analytics: Introduction to Datafeeds

By Jim Tigwell – 3 Comments

A brief guide to accessing and interpreting Igloo's oData datafeeds.

Photo of Jim TigwellOffline
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A brief guide to creating a sandbox Space in your digital workplace.

Photo of Jim TigwellOffline
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Working With Widgets: Add Button

By Jim Tigwell

Some short tips about using the Add Button widget.

Photo of Jim TigwellOffline
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Exceptional Embeddables: LinkedIn

By Jim Tigwell – 2 Comments

A short guide on how to embed various LinkedIn features in Igloo

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