Tips & Tricks CareTips and Tricks is moving!<div><p>We've made some adjustments to our content strategy here at Igloo, and this Channel is being retired. New Tips and Tricks posts will be available in the <a href="" class=" WikiLinkType1">Playbook News channel</a>, with new monthly Grab Bags available in the <a href="" class=" WikiLinkType1">Product News channel</a>. </p><p>In addition, we'll be extracting best practices from the new posts, as well as the posts archived here, and…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 09 Oct 2019 14:04:00 -0400 Started: Workflows<div><img src="/.api2/binaries/AXUmPirH9l/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GettingStarted@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px; height: auto;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GettingStarted@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="AXUmPirH9l" data-la-initdispnone="true"> <p>Workflows are the heart of a collaborative digital workplace. Content and notifications will help people find things out, but workflows help people <em>get things done</em>. Your workflows are all of the steps that take a task from start to finish. Building them into your digital workplace takes people beyond consuming your content, and provides methods…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 02 Oct 2019 11:37:05 -0400 Grab Bag: Read Tracking and Revoking<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/VYvfK3UJzc/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GrabBag@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px; height: auto;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GrabBag@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="VYvfK3UJzc" data-la-initdispnone="true">As we enter the last quarter, there are two things happening in almost every digital workplace: policy updates and membership reviews. Policies are being reviewed and updated in preparation for larger-scale policy reviews in the new year, and to ensure they're in compliance with how organizations have grown and changed. </p><p>Similarly, membership…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 25 Sep 2019 10:00:05 -0400 Success: Position<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/KX3i3rU9nh/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_CSSSuccess@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px; height: auto;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_CSSSuccess@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="KX3i3rU9nh" data-la-initdispnone="true">One of the biggest advantages of writing articles in an XML editor is the ability to dynamically arrange your content, and ensure that it looks good on any screen size. Using a few simple styles, you can pop out elements, highlight parts of an article, or even organize an article into multiple columns, including images. </p><p>It's tempting to use tables…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 11 Sep 2019 11:24:04 -0400 Grab Bag: Files and Urls<div><img src="/.api2/binaries/qLcJ9I9kCe/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GrabBag@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px; height: auto;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GrabBag@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="qLcJ9I9kCe" data-la-initdispnone="true"> <p>As the fall approaches, digital workplace administrators are reorganizing their Igloos and ensuring files are up to date in preparation for the last quarter. Here are a few questions that have come in this week about file uploads and digital workplace architecture. </p> <h2>How do article urls work? </h2> <p>The url of an article or file is set when it's…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 28 Aug 2019 10:00:19 -0400 Started: Membership<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/XLyiRu83T8/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GettingStarted@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px; height: auto;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GettingStarted@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="XLyiRu83T8" data-la-initdispnone="true">Whether you have a digital workplace with dozens of members or thousands, member management can be a daunting task. As your organization grows and changes, your membership needs will change as well, and your Igloo is designed to adapt. Still, there are things you can do to ensure that membership isn't a chore before the first person is added to…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 21 Aug 2019 10:00:11 -0400 Answers: Indexes<div><img src="/.api2/binaries/XXWuPdtjjH/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_EasyAnswers@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_EasyAnswers@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="XXWuPdtjjH" data-la-initdispnone="true"> <p>Workplaces are driven by lists. Lists of members, items in a news feed, and files in a folder. Usually you rely on a platform to build those lists, with things like search indexes, or to make it easy to use lists you've created, like using Groups for notifications and access. Changing those lists can alter the very fabric of your digital…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 17 Jul 2019 11:04:29 -0400 Grab Bag: Global Settings and Movement<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/xYkfLVs9id/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GrabBag@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GrabBag@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="xYkfLVs9id" data-la-initdispnone="true">Summer brings heat and questions, as well as our new <a class=" WikiLinkType1" href="">Digital Workplace Playbook</a>, a repository of strategies and best practices to help guide you through your digital transformation. Look to it for help planning through your launch and beyond. There are only a few questions this month, so we'll get to it. </p> <h2>How can I enable Likes?</h2> <p>This question…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 10 Jul 2019 10:04:51 -0400 Started: Notifications<div><img src="/.api2/binaries/M7OFLOIz7C/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GettingStarted@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_GettingStarted@3x-100" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="M7OFLOIz7C" data-la-initdispnone="true"> <p>Notifications are an integral portion of your content strategy, so much so that it's hard to untangle the two. When your digital workplace is getting off the ground, notifications will be one of the first ways that people interact with it. That first impression matters, so you want to ensure that what they're receiving is concise, relevant, and…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 03 Jul 2019 10:43:59 -0400 with Widgets: Forum Topics<div><img src="/.api2/binaries/2y7HMzsRWH/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_WorkingWithWidgets@3x-100.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px;" alt="SupportBlog_Thumbnails_WorkingWithWidgets@3x-100.jpg" class="hide fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="2y7HMzsRWH" data-src="/.api2/binaries/2y7HMzsRWH/thumbnails/SupportBlog_Thumbnails_WorkingWithWidgets@3x-100.jpg?width=300" data-la-initdispnone="true"> <p>The Forum Topics widget is the heart of a lot of team Spaces, especially HR and Q&amp;A areas where members can consult with subject matter experts. It offers easy access to ongoing conversations, and uses the categorization options to great effect. Often compared with Microblogs, Forums are better suited to longer form and more formal…</p></div>Jim TigwellWed, 05 Jun 2019 10:00:00 -0400