August 5, 2019
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The new Company Playlist is a simple, yet effective engagement campaign to drive adoption of your digital workplace. By focusing on a common activity that most (if not all) employees enjoy—listening to music—you can engage employees in a fun, yet meaningful way. This type of campaign also adds to an organization's culture by creating a shared, collaborative outcome—your company's very own music playlist. It's something that allows every single employee a chance to contribute with minimal effort but maximum engagement.
Campaign: Company PlaylistFocus: Employees |
Like most of our engagement campaigns, Igloo gave it a test drive first. Our Strategic Programs Manager, Diana May, shares her story of launching this campaign and how it was received by Iglooites.
Being a naturally social, outgoing individual, it was not a surprise to anyone at Igloo when I posted this challenge within our own digital workplace, "Inside the Igloo". On a Friday morning in the summer when the sun is shining and the streets are busy with people enjoying their summer vacation time, getting employees engaged can be even more of a challenge. So I knew my post needed to be exciting and fun!
What we didn't imagine, was the number of responses this post would receive! (Did I mention it was a Friday morning in July with employees just itching to start their weekend?) And who was the first to respond? Our CEO, Dan Latendre. How's that for executive engagement?
This challenge generated a tremendous amount of positive energy within our digital workplace. Iglooites had a blast and posted a total of 52 of their favorite songs which I then compiled into an Igloo Playlist in Spotify. Next, we added a link to the playlist in our Social Zone to share it with the company, and to continue the engagement, allowing employees to listen to our very own Igloo Playlist and add new songs if they didn't get a chance to take part in the original post.
Taking it one step further, and to get the most out of this successful campaign, Igloo will be including adding a favorite song to the Igloo Playlist as part of the onboarding process.
1 Comment
In a Forum post requesting ideas for our holiday potluck, we had an employee suggest a playlist. I'll be sure to do this in our community - it's a fun and engaging idea!