Welcome to Igloo Customer Care
Access the knowledge, tools, and support you need to deliver the benefits your users expect, the results you want, and the success you strive for. We’re here to help you evolve your digital workplace to continuously engage your employees and help your organization meet any new challenges.
Featured Resources
Community & Product News
Learn about the latest topics and resources to help you navigate your digital transformation.
Community & Product News
The key to mastering your digital workplace is having an extra set of helping hands to drive its growth and success.
TL;DR - Countdown to Inspire Metro DC, Celebrating Community Managers, Repo…
TL;DR - Blog Feature Images in Digest Notifications, Digital Transformation…
TL;DR - Tips and Tricks; Improved Search Results, Inspire 2025, Ice Tour
Community Events & Key Dates
Stay up to date on webinars, product release dates and other important dates in the Igloo Community
Community Events & Key Dates
Sun Sunday | Mon Monday | Tue Tuesday | Wed Wednesday | Thu Thursday | Fri Friday | Sat Saturday |
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Product Release Dates
Sun Sunday | Mon Monday | Tue Tuesday | Wed Wednesday | Thu Thursday | Fri Friday | Sat Saturday |
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Community Events
Sun Sunday | Mon Monday | Tue Tuesday | Wed Wednesday | Thu Thursday | Fri Friday | Sat Saturday |
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Open Office Hours
Sun Sunday | Mon Monday | Tue Tuesday | Wed Wednesday | Thu Thursday | Fri Friday | Sat Saturday |
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23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
30 | 31 |
CS Office Hours
The Igloo Customer Success team's Office Hours sessions are live! We're available to address questions, or you can join a group discussion with your peers. Sign up for an upcoming event on our calendar here.
---------- Grouped Links ---------
numOfValidGroupedLinks: 7
API Reference: /developers/api_reference
Knowledge Base: /support/knowledgebase
Product Roadmaps: /support/product_zone/roadmaps
Release Calendar: /support/product_zone/target_release_calendar
Product News: https://customercare.igloosoftware.com/community/news_center/productnews
Best Practices: /playbook/bp_center
My Personal Dashboard: /community.dashboard/community_dashboard
-------------- Links -------------
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Top Links
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