Last Updated:
November 17, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 18
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The O365 OneNote integration gives users the ability to view and browse OneNote notebooks. When configuring the integration, you must specify up to 5 notebooks to show. This integration obeys the access rules of your O365 environment and will not display notebooks to users who do not have access to them in O365.
Sections in this article:
You set up integrations in a way similar to widgets (see, Placing and setting up a widget). However, instead of selecting an integration directly from the widget carousel, select the Integrations widget. When editing the Integrations widget, select the Igloo Integration Libray; then select the integration you want to configure. For information about integration-specific configuration options, refer to the options below.
When setting up the integration, you can configure up the 5 notebooks to display. To configure a notebook, select one of the Notebook tabs to open its configuration options. Each notebook has the following basic options:
In a Notebook tab, select Advanced Options for these additional settings:
There are no layout options available for this integration.
Use the Class field to add custom CSS to this integration.
Your digital workplace's CSS theme overrides the other settings here, so these settings will not change the integration's appearance.
The first time you ever set up the integration in your digital workplace, your Office 365 administrator must sign in to it using the Sign in as Microsoft Admin link on the authentication prompt of the integration. This only needs to be done once per Office 365 environment. Once an O365 administrator grants permissions to the app, the integration can be used anywhere in your digital workplace without additional administrator approvals.
After an O365 administrator grants permissions, edit the integration to disable and hide the Sign in as Microsoft Admin link.
You must sign in to the integration using your organization's O365 credentials. If you sign in with different credentials, you most likely not be able to any of the configured OneNote notebooks.
After signing in, you will only see the OneNote notebooks that have been configured and that you have access to.
Select Menu followed by Sign Out (located in the bottom right corner of the integration) to sign out.
Select a notebook to view its sections, a section to view its pages, and then a page to view it in the integration. To navigate back the index of notebooks, pages, and sections, select the Back (located in the top left corner of the integration, next to the breadcrumbs).
To view a notebook in O365, select it and then select Open in web (located in the bottom right of the integration).