Last Updated:
June 15, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 20
| 1 follower
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The Box widget is an integration that provides users with a view into a connected Box folder and its contents. Through this interface, users can interact with existing folder contents, create new folders, and upload new files.
For more information about integrations, refer to the Integrations widget article.
It is not possible to directly transfer files between these two file repositories. You must download the file to your computer from one and then upload it to the other.
You can configure the Unified Search widget to search Box in addition to other file repositories. For more information, refer to the Unified Search widget article.
The Breadcrumb trail displays where you currently are relative to the configured initial folder. Click a location in this path to navigate directly to that folder.
Enter a term to look for and then press enter to perform the search. Only the names of folders and files are searched. After completing a search, a list of matching results for content within and nested under the configured initial folder are displayed.
The Search box can be turned on/off using the Show Search setting.
Click to add a new folder to your current location. After creating a new folder, you will have the opportunity to give it a name. If you do not give it a name at this time, you must log in to Box to change the name.
Click to upload a new file to your current location. Use the file explorer to find the file on your computer and then click Open to begin the upload. You can select multiple files (ctrl-click / shift-click while selecting a file) to upload more than one at a time.
You can also drag files into the widget to upload them.
A display of the current folder's contents. This display can look or function differently depending on how the widget is configured:
Click to delete a folder and all of its content from Box. A confirmation window will pop up to confirm this action.
Click to access additional file options. Options include:
Click to open the file (in Box) in a new browser tab.
This option may not be available depending on how Enable View in Box is configured.
Click to download the file to your computer.
Click to delete the file from Box. A confirmation window will pop up to confirm this action.
Click to sign out of the widget.
To access the contents of the Box widget, users must first sign in to it using their Box credentials. After entering their credentials, users must click Grant access to Box to finish signing in to the widget. If a user already has an active Box session in their browser, they will not need to enter their credentials, only click Grant access to Box. The windows for entering credentials and granting access are popups that are separate from your current browser window.
Enter the Box Folder ID of the folder that you want to display initially. Users can only browse and search nested files and folders under this location. By default, this value is 0 (Box's root folder).
To find a folder's ID, navigate to the folder in Box and then look at the URL of that location. The Folder ID is the number that comes after folder/. In the example URL below, the Folder ID would be 126788917518.
Select whether users can open a view of the file.
If enabled, clicking a file name or selecting View in Box from a file's Actions menu will open the file (in Box) in a new browser tab. If disabled, clicking a file name will download the file, and no View in Box option will appear in a file's Actions menu or Information Panel.
Select whether the height of the widget will expand to show all items in a folder.
If enabled, the widget will expand the widget's height to show all items in a folder. If disabled, the widget will display items in a fixed height scrollable window.
Select whether users can search the folder and its nested locations.
If enabled, users will have access to a search box for entering text queries. If disabled, this search box won't be shown in the widget.
Select whether the Last Modified By column is shown.
If enabled, this column will show the name of that last user who modified a file. If disabled, this column won't be shown in the widget.
Select whether the Last Modified column is shown.
If enabled, this column will show the date and time when the file was last modified. If disabled, this column won't be shown in the widget.
Select whether the File Type column is shown.
If enabled, this column will show a file's format. If disabled, this column won't be shown in the widget.
Select whether the File Size column is shown.
If enabled, this column will show a file's size. If disabled, this column won't be shown in the widget.