Group-based widgets enhancement
The Group-based Widgets enhancement causes selected widgets to only display for members of specific groups.
If your workplace already has this enhancement, you can find configuration steps on your Styles page.
Sections in this article:
Request enhancement
To request this enhancement, please complete and submit an Enhancement Request Form.
Considerations and caveats
Keep in mind the following when using the Group-based widgets enhancement:
- Administrators cannot view published versions of these widgets unless they are in one of the specified groups.
- Deleting and re-adding a group will break existing enhancement functionality for the removed group since the group ID changes.
- This enhancement can cause slowness across your digital workplace if you have many groups.
- Use with a maximum of 8 groups.
- Group names cannot start with a number.
- Do not use with widgets that are also using the Widget Tabs enhancement.
Configuration options
The Group-based widgets enhancement has the following configuration options:
- Determine which widgets are visible to which Groups.
- Set how these widgets display to users who are members of multiple affected groups.
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