Last Updated:
June 17, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 15
members are following updates on this item.
Tableau provides the ability to work with and visualize data. Using Tableau, you can directly connect to, and import individual Data Feeds tables.
For more information about Tableau, see Getting Started with Tableau.
When connecting to your digital workplace's data feeds, you must authenticate using your Igloo Authentication credentials. If you do not know what your Igloo Authentication password is, see Resetting a forgotten Igloo password.
Some Data Feeds tables can be very large, connecting to these can result in timeouts and not importing the table. To avoid this, use Filters when entering your Data Feeds URL. For example, to create a table that contains only blog posts created in 2018:
https://{your community domain}/odata/dContentBlog?$filter=year(row_active_date) eq 2018
https://{your community domain}/odata/dContentBlog