July 25, 2018
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Your digital workplace offers a lot of tools and options to manage content, members. So many that it can be tricky to locate the right dropdowns, checkboxes, or buttons. It's the end of the month, so today we'll spend some time answering questions about how to find and use some of the more out of the way Igloo features.
Solutions were introduced last year, and have become central to a lot of digital workplace implementations. They provide templates constructed by digital solutions experts too address four major business challenges: communication, collaboration, knowledge management, and engagement. Including structures for things like a newsroom and a virtual town hall, they're designed to meet your needs out of the box.
Once a set of Solutions are enabled in your digital workplace, you'll be able to create them using the Space creation interface in the Site Manager, and selecting them from the available Space Templates.
There have been a few questions lately about how to export various facets of membership, like Group members, profile fields, or login times, and I have good news. All of these things are available in your digital workplace's Member Export.
The Member Export can be downloaded by Administrators from the Manage Members area in the Control Panel, and includes a full list of all of your members, including their first name, last name, email, and all of their profile files. It lists all of the Groups in your Igloo, and has the date and time when every member was added to them. Finally, the last field lists the last login time of all members. It's in a .csv format, so you can open it with Excel or Google Sheets and slice the data as you like, isolating members of Groups, members who haven't logged in, or members with particular profile fields filled out.
The name of your Igloo can be changed from the Community Details area of the Control Panel. It includes some information about your digital workplace, and has a field to change the name. This will adjust the title on all pages. To change the url however, you'll need to reach out to your project manager or customer success representative.
If you have questions about the Igloo platform, workflows, or best practices, you can leave a comment here, or ask a question in the Community area.