Opening files and folders in File Manager from a web browser
By default, file previews and folders in your digital workplace have an Open File Manager button that you can select to open the object's location in File Manager. To use this button, you must already have File Manager installed on your device and you will need to authenticate with your digital workplace through File Manager.
Workplace administrators can toggle whether this option is available across the entire digital workplace.
How to toggle the availability of the Open File Manager button
You must be a workplace administrator to perform this task.
- In your digital workplace, select
Control Panel.
- Under Settings, select Global Settings.
- While on the Global Settings page, scroll down to the File Manager section.
- Select/deselect the option Enable direct access to the File Manager for every user in the digital workplace to enable/disable the button.
- At the bottom of the Global Settings page, select Save.
What the Open File Manager button looks like when enabled
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