Last Updated:
June 10, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Use Google Tag Manager to trigger tags in response to specific actions in your digital workplace.
Google Tag Manager script must be active in your digital workplace.
Make sure that your Google Tag Manager Container has the appropriate variables enabled for the trigger action you are using. For example, if you want to track clicks, go to the Variable page and make sure that all the Clicks options are selected.
After making changes to your container, do not forget to publish them to make them live.
If you are familiar with JavaScript, you do event tracking using Google Analytics APIs.
You must first set up a generic click trigger that you can then use to identify the unique property of the element you want to track
Once you know how to identify your element, go back to your generic trigger and update it. Instead of All Clicks, it should only trigger on Some Clicks, with the conditions corresponding to the unique property of the element you are tracking clicks on. You will need to attach this trigger to a tag before you can test it.
Create a new Tag that corresponds to your trigger. When configuring this tag:
Once you create the tag, refresh your preview and digital workplace window. The Tag Manager panel should display your tag under the Summary as Tags Not Fired. Click the element, and the Summary should update to showing that the tag was fired. If it doesn't, verify whether its condition has been met (you can click on the unfired tag, in Summary, to see what the condition is, compare this to the associated click's variables).
Sometimes links to other locations within your digital workplace become invalid. In these cases, users who click a link arrive at a page with a Page Not Found message. You can track these occurrences and the referring page using Google Tag Manager to send events to your Google Analytics dashboard.
In Google Tag Manager:
You can now view occurrences of this event on your Google Analytics dashboard by going to Behavior > Events > Overview and selecting the Page Not Found category (or the name you entered for it). Then select a Primary Dimension of Event Action to see a list of URLs that have links that result in a Page not Found message.