Last Updated:
June 15, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 11
members are following updates on this item.
Provides calendar month data relating to Space activity within a digital workplace. This report covers the last 13 complete months and the current partial month.
Name | Data Type | Description |
row_id | Edm.Int32 | Unique row identifier. |
community_key | Edm.Int32 | Unique digital workplace identifier. |
community_guid | Edm.Guid | Unique digital workplace identifier. |
space_activity_total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of all activity in a Space during the reporting period. |
work_total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of Creates, Edits, Renames, Deletes, Moves, and Copies made in a Space during the reporting period. |
view_total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of views on Content Types, Channels, Pages, and Spaces in a Space during the reporting period. |
comment_total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of comments made on Content Types in a Space during the reporting period. |
like_total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of likes made on Content Types in a Space during the reporting period. |
rate_total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of rates made on Content Types in a Space during the reporting period. |
space_key | Edm.Int64 | Unique Space identifier. |
space_guid | Edm.Guid | Unique Space identifier. |
space_name | Edm.String | Name of a Space. |
is_community_row | Edm.Boolean | If True, this row is the root level of a digital workplace. |
row_active_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Date a Space was created in a digital workplace. |
row_inactive_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Date a Space was removed from a digital workplace. |
begin_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Beginning date of the report period. |
end_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Ending date of the report period. |
domain_url | Edm.String | URL of a digital workplace. |
month_key | Edm.Int32 | Unique month identifier. |