Too long; didn't read? TLDR is the Igloo Community Roundup. Each month we highlight key moments from the Igloo community to enhance your digital workplace strategy.
Igloo Inspire was a smash in Chicago - Igloo's Inspire event landed in Chicago, IL on September 27, 2023. Check out the linked post to learn how we spent our day sharing ideas and digital transformation tidbits. Planning is underway for our next event, coming in 2024 to a city near you!
Webinar Recording: Creating Connections - This webinar looked at the power of connection, fostered through our Customer Community! Credit Union of Colorado joined us to share how their recent webinar fostered connections within the Igloo Community and created a user group of like-minded digital workplace managers. Join Annie Rucker, Internal Communications and Knowledge Strategist, for a look at the genesis of a working user group.
Upcoming Webinar: Discover What's New with Igloo's Digital Assistant - November 8th, 1:00-2:00 PM EST - Igloo expands Digital Assistant with new AI capabilities. Over the last few months, the Igloo Digital Assistant has received an array of enhancements including new AI-driven use cases that streamline processes, accelerate content generation, provide intelligent insights, and transform knowledge discovery for employees leveraging conversational AI.
Upcoming ICE Tour Sessions - November 14-15, 12:00-1:00 PM and 3:00-4:00 PM EST - On Day 1, Igloo's CEO Mike Gaburo will kick-off our sessions, followed by a keynote address presented by Forrester Research, "Navigating the Digital Landscape". The second session will offer a glimpse at Igloo's product roadmap and a look inside our new platform, Igloo Flex! We'll close the day with a presentation by the team from Gildan, as they show us their digital workplace, Gildan Connect, in the first customer vignette. On Day 2, we'll start with a customer panel to explore A Year in the Life of a Digital Workplace Manager. The second session will be a panel discussion around the Digital Employee Experience (DEX). KEEN will then present the second vignette and show us their digital workplace: Campfire!
Digital Transformation Awards CeremonyNovember 16, 12:00-12:45 PM EST - It's that time again! Our 2023 Digital Transformation Awards recognize our customers for their amazing achievements in their digital workplaces. Join us as we celebrate our award winners!
Get Involved
Check out the Igloo Community Discussions. Have you ever had a question you wanted to ask other digital workplace owners/administrators or to get feedback from folks with various specialties? Look no further than our Community Discussion boards.
Announcing monthly Office Hours! Stop by our virtual office to ask questions or participate in a small group discussion. We'll be chatting about how to engage members through the end of the year. Our first session is next week, Thursday, November 9th, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM EST. If you'd like to join us please add the event from our event calendar.
In the Igloo Community
Have you ever wondered how many drafts exist across your digital workplace? Wonder no more, with our new Premium Report: Draft Audit. Find the name, type, state, and other details about draft content! Insights Program members can request this report anytime.
Custom Icons Enhancement - Use the custom icons enhancement to make adding the supported icons to your digital workplace easier. You can use these icons in the same way that you use Font Awesome icons within your site.
Search by Label Integration - Use the Search By Label integration to allow users to search and filter for digital workplace content based on labels. The widget allows users to refine their search results by specifying search terms, selecting multiple labels, and applying various matching options.
Igloo's 2023 ICE Tour will take place this year on November 14 & 15! This virtual learning and collaboration opportunity brings together Igloo Customers and Team Members in a series of sessions fo…
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