What is it?
Use Built.io to trigger content creation and updates in your digital workplace based off a trigger in a third-party app. You must have a paid Built.io Flow Enterprise account, and an Igloo API key and password.
Features and functionality
Perform the following Igloo Actions due to third-part triggers:
Create a Blog Article
Update a Blog Article
Create a Microblog Post
Update a Microblog Post
Create a Wiki Article
Update a Wiki Article
Create a User
Update a User
Use Cases
Human Resources
Connect Greenhouse.io, Igloo and LinkedIn to share job postings in Slack.
Connect Cisco Spark, Jobvite and Igloo to evaluate new candidates easily.
Connect Igloo, Slack, Gmail, SMS and Jobvite to onboard a new employee.
Connect Twitter, Facebook and Cisco Spark to monitor brand mentions.
Connect Igloo, Slack, Gmail and Box and alert teams to new marketing collateral.
Connect Dropbox to Igloo and Cisco Spark. When a new sales deck is created, update the sales wiki with the latest version.
IT Help Desk
Connect Slack, Jira, and Igloo to receive and assign new projects to teams in different departments.
Connect Igloo to mail to improve your governance center.
Connect Intercom to your FAQ. Populate your help desk microblog with the most recent questions.
Document Management
Connect Office 365 to your resources center. Automatically update your company wiki when documents are updated.
Connect Igloo to email to send internal blog post alerts to the company.
Keep all your customer wikis up-to-date when new documents are added or contracts are updated.
Connect Cisco Spark, Igloo, Email and SMS to alert your entire company when a major deal is closed.
Connect Google Sheets to Igloo to create a customer wiki page with the company details from the spreadsheet.
Connect Igloo, Box and Email to attach relevant documents like NDAs, contracts and POs to customer wiki’s.
Internal Comms
Connect Igloo, Slack, and Email to your newsroom.
Connect Igloo, Gmail and DocuSign so when the microblog for each department is updated, a message will be sent out to alert all - relevant parties.
Connect Igloo to Smartsheet and Google Drive. Version and track changes throughout all your wikis and microblogs.