Slide-in Row enhancement
The Slide-in Row enhancement gives a slide-in effect with additional styling to all widgets within a page row when a page loads. You can use this to surface important information to your users.

If your workplace already has this enhancement, you can find configuration steps on your Styles page.
Sections in this article:
Request enhancement
To request this enhancement, please complete and submit an Enhancement Request Form.
Considerations and caveats
Keep in mind the following when using the Slide-in Row enhancement:
- You should use this enhancement only temporarily and sparingly to present critical information to your users.
- Try to include only one widget, such as a Blog Articles widget or Wiki Articles widget, that displays a single article within the page row. If a blog channel contains more than one article, the Load More button will appear and cannot be hidden.
Configuration options
You can apply the Slide-in Row enhancement to any page row.