Adding a label to your digital workplace
Add a new label to your digital workplace. Members of your workplace will be able to apply this label to content.
For more information about labels, see Labels.
Considerations and caveats
Who can do this
- Workplace Administrators
- Enterprise Administrators
- Members of groups with the Manage Labels Role
Title restrictions
Label titles cannot be longer than 50 characters and cannot match an already existing title of a label in the same label group. A title that uses different capitalizations or matches an existing title in another language is not considered to be a duplicate.
Language support
When entering a title, you do so only for the currently selected language. If your digital workplace supports multiple languages, you should click the field's language selector and enter a description for each supported language.
Label groups are sorted alphabetically within their label group. To control the order in which labels are displayed prepend a number to them. For example 01 Applications, 02 Proposals, 03 Contracts.
How to add a label to your digital workplace
- Select Control Panel.
- Under Settings, select Manage Labels.
- Find the label group to which you want to add a label.
- Click the group's Add Label button.
- Enter a title for the label.
- (Optional) Select a different label group using the Group dropdown.
- Click Add to finish adding your new label.