Last Updated:
June 15, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 6
members are following updates on this item.
Provides data on the top twenty most active Spaces in a digital workplace. This report contains four time periods relating to the last 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months.
Name | Data Type | Description |
community_key | Edm.Int32 | Unique digital workplace identifier. |
space_name | Edm.String | Name of a Space. |
space_guid | Edm.Guid | Unique User identifier. |
space_url | Edm.String | URL of a Space. |
Total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of all activity on a Space during the reporting period. This activity includes the number of views, likes, comments, ratings, creations, edits, deletions, moves, copies, naming changes, replies, reply deletions, reply likes, comment likes, and downloads. |
Viewed | Edm.Int32 | Total number of views of a Space and its contents during the reporting period. |
Likes | Edm.Int32 | Total number of likes made on the contents of a Space during the reporting period. |
Comments | Edm.Int32 | Total number of comments made on the contents of a Space during the reporting period. |
Ratings | Edm.Int32 | Total number of ratings made on the contents of a Space during the reporting period. |
community_guid | Edm.Guid | Unique digital workplace identifier. |
week_offset | Edm.Int32 | The weekly reporting period that a row belongs to. Values include:
month_offset | Edm.Int32 | The monthly reporting period that a row belongs to. Values include:
space_rank | Edm.Int32 | The ranking of a Space during the reporting period. |