Last Updated:
June 15, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 7
members are following updates on this item.
Provides monthly data in User activity within each Space of a digital workplace. This report covers the last 4 months.
A Space with no activity during a month will contain a single row with a user_full_name value of No Activity.
Name | Data Type | Description |
community_url | Edm.String | URL of a digital workplace. |
space_url | Edm.String | URL of a Space. |
space_guid | Edm.Guid | Unique Space identifier. |
user_full_name | Edm.String | First and last name of a User. |
user_email | Edm.String | Email address of a User. |
view_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of views on Igloo Objects within a Space by a User. |
create_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of creates made within a Space by a User. |
edit_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of edits made within a Space by a User. |
rename_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of renames made within a Space by a User. |
delete_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of deletes made within a Space by a User. |
move_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of moves made within a Space by a User. |
rate_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of rates made within a Space by a User. |
download_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of file downloads made within a Space by a User. |
copies_count | Edm.Int32 | Total number of copies made within a Space by a User. |
content_likes_added | Edm.Int32 | Total number of likes made within a Space by a User. |
comments_added | Edm.Int32 | Total number of comments made within a Space by a User. |
comments_deleted | Edm.Int32 | Total number of comments deleted within a Space by a User. |
comment_likes_added | Edm.Int32 | Total number of likes made on comments within a Space by a User. |
system_copy | Edm.Int32 | Total number of system copies made within a Space by a User. |
replies_added | Edm.Int32 | Total number of forum replies made within a Space by a User. |
replies_removed | Edm.Int32 | Total number of forum replies removed within a Space by a User. |
reply_likes | Edm.Int32 | Total number of forum reply likes made within a Space by a User. |
overall_activity | Edm.Int32 | Total of all activity within a Space by a User. |
begin_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Beginning date of the period covered by the current row. |
end_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Ending date of the period covered by the current row. |
rpt_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Date the report was created. |
community_key | Edm.Int32 | Unique digital workplace identifier. |
month_key | Edm.Int32 | Unique month identifier. |
user_key | Edm.Int32 | Unique User identifier. |
space_key | Edm.Int64 | Unique Space identifier. |