Last Updated:
June 14, 2021
Jesse Langstaff
| Version: 6
members are following updates on this item.
Provides details regarding the relationship between Microblog Posts and Microblog Channels.
Name | Data Type | Connects to: |
user_key | Edm.Int32 | |
space_key | Edm.Int64 | |
microblog_key | Edm.Int64 | |
microblog_container_key | Edm.Int64 |
Name | Data Type | Description |
community_key | Edm.Int32 | A unique identifier for a digital workplace. |
row_active_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | The date the current row was created. |
row_inactive_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Reserved for future use. |
microblog_content_shared | Edm.Int32 | A value of 1 indicates the Microblog Post was shared to this Channel. |
microblog_content_unshared | Edm.Int32 | A value of 1 indicates the Microblog Post unshared from this Channel. |
microblog_container_moved | Edm.Int32 | Reserved for future use. |