Getting Started

Getting started with the Igloo API

The Igloo API provides developers with the means to create and modify objects within a digital workplace programmatically.

Igloo provides two versions of APIs. Although they both return the same data with a little twist to the response objects, there are some advantages to using one over the other. To learn more about v1 and v2, we've briefly covered in our authentication article: Authenticating to Igloo

Below is how you can identify v1 over v2:

  • API v1 is prefixed with: /.api/api.svc/ ...
  • API v2 is prefixed with: /.api2/api / ...

For details, take a look at our complete API documentation. NOTE: You must be logged into Customer Care to access the API documentation.

Object IDs

Almost every object in a digital workplace has a unique Object ID and is a requirement if you want to query data from that object or modify it in anyway.

There are two methods for finding an Objects ID.

  1. Inspect the DOM
  2. Using the API

To learn more about how to get Object IDs from objects in IGLOO. For more information on using the API to get information on an object using its path, take a look at the KB article: Querying Objects by URL Path

API call prerequisites

API calls require that a user authenticates before they can do anything within a digital workplace. To authenticate you will need:

  1. An API key
  2. API password
  3. A locally (not managed externally) created user
  4. And a valid digital workplace

Once you have the above four you can proceed with creating a session to your digital workplace and use the API. To learn more about what you need to get started and how to create a session, take a look at the authentication article: Authenticating to Igloo

Where to get help

Visit our Developer Site to find out more about the Igloo API and widget development and to get access to the API documentation. You can also contact if you have any questions around how the API works or if you have a really cool idea but don't know where to get started! Our Developer Advocates are here to help.


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