March 6, 2019
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Igloos are often used for storing slide decks that can be downloaded and presented, but the Prezi embed gives you the opportunity to present ful-featured slides directly in your digital workplace. Sales decks, technical specs, any Prezi presentation can be embedded in Igloo, and today we'll walk through how to do it.
Embedded presentations see a lot of use in areas of Igloos that are designed for consuming content. The front page of knowledge bases, for example, can benefit from the dense visual information of a slide deck, and are easily shareable for quick answers. Sales decks are often embedded in areas where customers have access, and add an excellent visual component to the other resources available.
The first thing you'll need to embed your Prezi presentation is the view link, which can be created using the Create View Link option on your presentation. With the view link created, add it to the following code, replacing the "your_view_link" part. Now you're ready to embed it anywhere in Igloo.
<iframe width="550" height="400" src="your_view_link/embed" webkitallowfullscreen="1" mozallowfullscreen="1" allowfullscreen="1"> </iframe>
This is an iframe, so it can be embedded in articles, HTML Content widgets, even the Footer of your digital workplace. Access the code view, paste the link in, and save, and your presentation will load automatically.
The biggest advantage of using Prezi in your digital workplace is that it's designed for a web-based experience. While other presentation files, like Powerpoint, can be added to your Igloo, the experience isn't the same for members. The file can be embedded in other areas, but it embeds the file, not the presentation. Animations, slide transitions and timings all give way to the Igloo file preview. Prezi lets you include those things, and maintain the full features of your presentation.
As with any third-party service, one challenge with using Prezi is that while the presentations can be embedded, they don't interact with your digital workplace's auditing. Change logs and versioning are maintained in Prezi directly, and Administrators will need to log in there to make changes to any slideshows. Thanks to the embed though, the changes will pass over to every embed simultaneously, without needing any additional adjustments.
Embedding Prezi presentations in your digital workplace can make it easy to deliver directed and powerful visual content to your members, anywhere in your Igloo.
If you have other questions about embedding, the Igloo platform, workflows, or best practices, you can leave a comment here, or ask a question in the Community area.