September 12, 2018
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The Google Docs suite offers a wealth of opportunities for visibility and collaboration, easily supporting spreadsheets, documents, and presentations. Using docs you can edit and create items together in real time, tracking changes and adding comments. A robust Docs implementation can add incredible versatility to your digital workplace.
The Igloo platform offers out of the box integrations for other Google services, such as authentication, Drive, and Calendars. Google Docs provide easy embedding options, allowing you to place them in HTML widgets on Pages or Spaces, or in articles for easy access and editing.
Every Google document includes the option to publish it to the web, letting you embed it anywhere online. Typically this means that anyone with access to the embed or link can access to the document, though particular G Suite implementations can limit this access further. Equipped with the embed code from the Google Docs publish option, you can embed the document in any article, event, or HTML widget in your digital workplace.
The embed option includes the ability to embed particular sheets from Google Sheets, as well as presentations or documents. It also includes comments and notations on documents, for easy review.
The key strength of Google Docs is their collaborative editing functions, which can also be embedded in your digital workplace. Copy the embed code as normal, and add it to the Code View of the article, event, or HTML widget you'd like to embed the item in. Return to the Google Doc, and copy the url from your browser's address bar. Head back to your Igloo and replace the value in the src= spot of the embed code with that url, and save. Now the embed will include a full set of editing and review options.
Using the editable embed, multiple people can access a Google Doc through Igloo and edit it directly in your digital workplace. Naturally, those edits will be reflected everywhere else that document is used.
<iframe src="replace this" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>
Graphs and data from Google sheets can also be published and embedded separately, letting you create views for data without needing to include the entire sheet. On any chart, access the options from the top right corner, and select Publish Chart. You'll receive options for an embeddable view, and the ability to embed it either as an interactive chart or an image. Charts can be embedded like this in articles, events, and HTML widgets, and multiple charts can be placed in the same article, letting you provide the information from the document as well as additional context.
Combined with the Google Drive and Google Calendar integrations, embedding Google Docs can be a powerful method of editing and collaborating around your G Suite content in your digital workplace.
If you have other questions about embeds, the Igloo platform, workflows, or best practices, you can leave a comment here, or ask a question in the Community area.
1 Comment
Thanks Jim Tigwell , always enjoy your tips!