November 14, 2018
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When checking in on your digital workplace's activity using analytics, there can be a lot of data. if you've been working there for more than a few years, a lot of data can turn into a staggering amount of data. Sifting through all that to find the information you need can be a challenge, but there are a few tricks to using the analytics tools offered by Igloo that make it easier.
Today we'll look at refining items by Space or Solution. This can be helpful for looking at traffic after launching a new area, or event specific traffic, like virtual town halls. It can also help monitor the health and activity of your existing areas, letting you know what's receiving a lot of attention or engagement, and what parts of your digital workplace aren't necessarily meeting your members' needs.
The Top Content tab of Workplace Analytics offers a quick and simple look into the engagement in your Spaces, showing you the top twenty most active Spaces for a time span, from the last 4 weeks (for recently launched areas) to the last year (for long term health checks). This doesn't look at content creation, but at collaboration around content through comments, likes, views and ratings, making it useful for seeing how your members are interacting with content in a particular area.
As always, the Behaviour area of Google Analytics is your friend. The All Pages area offers the opportunity to search by url, making it easy to narrow down your results to a very specific area of your digital workplace. Search for the path to the root of the object you're looking for, and you'll be able to generate reports on the items with the most traffic, the pages where people are spending the most time, and balance aggregate views against unique views to see how often people are coming back. The Navigation Summary available for each item will tell you whether they're coming in directly to items from notifications or external links, but it can also provide a picture of how people are navigating in your Igloo. Learning how people are getting to your content can be more valuable than learning how many people are getting to your content.
There are a few ways to gather information by Space using data feeds. The dContainerSpace identifies the space_key of every Space, and content activity in other tables can be filtered using that key. Filter queries on space_key to see activity on specific content types, or use it as the key to merge content types into larger queries.
Data feeds also offers two different Space reports. The RptCommunitySpaceMonth table displays monthly data for each Space, including work, views, likes and more. For an aggregate look, the RptCommunitySpace table offers rolling yearly data on the same.
Using these methods, you'll be able to find which team spaces are thriving, and which ones are struggling. After making changes to address challenges, you'll be able to use the same methods to assess whether those changes are having a positive effect, or whether a Space needs a little more TLC.
If you have other questions about analytics, data feeds, workflows, or best practices, you can leave a comment here, or ask a question in the Community area.