Community Discussions CareBookmarks Widget vs Links<div><p>Hello,</p><p>what are some of the use cases for using the Bookmarks widget on a space or page?</p><p>We are new with Igloo. Most teams are using links widgets on their landing pages. As a site admin, I've added a number of Workplace Bookmarks for all employees.</p><p>Thanks,</p><p>Elizabeth</p></div>Elizabeth AltmanTue, 16 Jul 2024 10:29:56 -0400 Recognitions<div><p>Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone has an archiving process and how-to for archiving recognitions. Would love to hear what you've done!</p></div>LeAnne DennisMon, 17 Jun 2024 16:28:00 -0400 anyone set up a Learning Zone on their DWP?<div><p>Hi all, </p><p>We are considering creating a <strong>Learning Zone</strong> on our digital workplace. We envision a learning &amp; development area where employees can come to get articles, links to videos, micro learning assets, etc. Has anyone done this, or created something like it? If so, I'd love to see/hear what you did. I'm at the idea-gathering stage. Thx!</p></div>Jocelyn FlintThu, 13 Jun 2024 16:38:53 -0400 an author<div><p>Hi, is there a way to assign an author to a blog? I can see that when you are in draft you can assign more than one author, but if I was drafting for a message for a leader-how can I then either 1. put them as the only author 2. assign to them so they can publish and they become the author. </p><p>Appreciate any help.</p><p>LeAnne</p></div>LeAnne DennisThu, 06 Jun 2024 16:17:38 -0400 Play Screen<div><p>Is there anyway to adjust what image/frame is populated when adding an HTML widget with a video? </p><p>I uploaded a video to files, then embedded that video into an HTML widget...but the 'thumbnail'/play screen is populating this cut off shot from like 3 seconds into the video. We'd really like the display play screen to be the full logo from the video…</p></div>Morgan LeClairMon, 20 May 2024 16:22:28 -0400 Usage for Products and Services<div><p id="isPasted">Hi everyone!</p><p>Looking for feedback and any experience on label usage as a product and service identification tool. We are a credit union with over 100 identifiable products and services, where content related to each product and service can be provided by a variety of departments. For example, we might have communication from our marketing team, a…</p></div>Sara EllingtonWed, 15 May 2024 16:15:47 -0400 Subscription Dashboard<div><p>Hello Igloo Community,</p><p>First time user and interested in learning if there is functionality to create a Page with a dashboard of different Subscription bells or sign-ups for my community members. I got the idea from the Igloo Customer Care Subscription Center. Thanks for your help!</p><p>Ryan<img src="/.api2/binaries/de4cBIPBI0/thumbnails/Subscription Example.png?height=308&amp;width=756" style="width: 754px; height: 307.907px;" class="fr-fic fr-dib" data-key="de4cBIPBI0" data-contentlength="89116" data-contenttype="image/png" data-binarylocation="/.api2/binaries/de4cBIPBI0/download/Subscription Example.png" data-thumbnaillocation="/.api2/binaries/de4cBIPBI0/thumbnails/Subscription Example.png" data-name="Subscription Example.png" data-isprofilephoto="false" data-ig-embed-key="de4cBIPBI0"></p></div>Ryan SokolovskyTue, 07 May 2024 14:40:06 -0400 with workhuman<div><p>Hello! </p><p>Our organization utilizes <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">workhuman</a> for our recognition program, and I was wondering if there are any Iglooites out there who use them. We've wanted to embed the recognition feed into our Igloo for some time now, but the project keeps getting pushed for one reason or another. </p><p>If you use workhuman, have you been able to embed their feed into…</p></div>Cristina HerreraFri, 26 Apr 2024 13:26:08 -0400 summary/details about Pages/Spaces on advanced search page.<div><p>Hello all! My team + I are looking for a way to improve the info that appears in recommended search results. </p> <p id="isPasted">Currently if we have a search result on a page, it only brings up the title of the page rather than any other content from the page. This leaves users in a bit of a lurch as there’s no context for the result - see below: </p><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/9bOIJwCWnc/thumbnails/igloo%20aha%201.png?width=300" style="width: 300px; height: auto;" class="fr-fic fr-dib" data-key="9bOIJwCWnc" data-contentlength="34399" data-contenttype="image/png" data-binarylocation="/.api2/binaries/9bOIJwCWnc/download/igloo aha 1.png" data-thumbnaillocation="/.api2/binaries/9bOIJwCWnc/thumbnails/igloo aha 1.png" data-name="igloo aha 1.png" data-isprofilephoto="false" data-ig-embed-key="9bOIJwCWnc"></p><p>What we’d like to…</p></div>Amber LavittThu, 25 Apr 2024 18:43:16 -0400 Slideshow - read more link to<div><p>The content slideshow we are using at the top of our homepage is set to go to a blog titled "featured news" and that is where all the articles are. But sometimes our stakeholders would like the 'read more' on the content slideshow to go to a page within their hub/space to not have to write an article twice. We were provided with the directions…</p></div>LeAnne DennisTue, 23 Apr 2024 12:38:06 -0400